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Izvor: Wikipedija
(IUPAC) ime
Klinički podaci
CAS broj 76956-02-0
ATC kod nije dodeljen
PubChem[1][2] 55473
ChemSpider[3] 50093
UNII X16K5179V5
Hemijski podaci
Formula C19H29N5O2 
Mol. masa 359,47 g/mol
SMILES eMolekuli & PubHem
Farmakoinformacioni podaci
Trudnoća ?
Pravni status Uncontrolled
Način primene Oralno

Lavoltidin (INN, USAN; AH-23,844, lokstidin) je veoma potentan i selektivan antagonist H2 receptora, koji je bio u razvoju za tretman gastroesofagealne refluksne bolesti, ali je razvoj prekinut zbog otkrića da on proizvodi gastrične karcinoidne tumore kod glodara.[4][5]


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  1. Li Q, Cheng T, Wang Y, Bryant SH (2010). „PubChem as a public resource for drug discovery.”. Drug Discov Today 15 (23-24): 1052-7. DOI:10.1016/j.drudis.2010.10.003. PMID 20970519.  edit
  2. Evan E. Bolton, Yanli Wang, Paul A. Thiessen, Stephen H. Bryant (2008). „Chapter 12 PubChem: Integrated Platform of Small Molecules and Biological Activities”. Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry 4: 217-241. DOI:10.1016/S1574-1400(08)00012-1. 
  3. Hettne KM, Williams AJ, van Mulligen EM, Kleinjans J, Tkachenko V, Kors JA. (2010). „Automatic vs. manual curation of a multi-source chemical dictionary: the impact on text mining”. J Cheminform 2 (1): 3. DOI:10.1186/1758-2946-2-3. PMID 20331846.  edit
  4. Washington, Neena (1991). Antacids and anti-reflux agents. Boca Raton: CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-5444-7. 
  5. Dictionary of organic compounds. London: Chapman & Hall. 1996. ISBN 0-412-54090-8. 


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