A. S. Byatt
A. S. Byatt | |
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Biografske informacije | |
Rođenje | 24. 8. 1936. Sheffield, Engleska |
Nacionalnost | britansko |
Obrazovanje | |
Zanimanje | spisateljica, pjesnikinja |
Opus | |
1964 - | |
Web-stranica | |
http://www.asbyatt.com |
Dame Antonia Susan Byatt, Lady Byatt, DBE (rođena kao Antonia Susan Drabble 24. 8. 1936. u Sheffieldu) je britanska postmodernistička spisateljica romana i pjesnikinja. Najčešće se navodi kao A. S. Byatt. Studirala je na Koledžu Somerville pri Univerzitetu u Oxfordu.
Byatt je najpoznatija po romanima Possession i Angels and Insects, koji su kasnije adaptirani u igrane filmove.
Njena mlađa sestra Margaret Drabble je također uspješna spisateljica, ali se među sestrama razvilo snažno suparništvo, pa i otvoreno neprijateljstvo koje dan-danas traje.
Byatt je na sebe navukla bijes fanova Harryja Pottera nakon što je u kolumni za New York Times za te knjige rekla kako su napisane za "ljude čija je imaginacija ograničena na televizijske crtiće i napuhani (iako ne prijeteći) svijet sapunica, reality televizije i zvjezdanih tračeva."
- The Shadow of the Sun Chatto & Windus, 1964
- Degrees of Freedom: The Early Novels of Iris Murdoch Chatto & Windus, 1965
- The Game Chatto & Windus, 1967
- Wordsworth and Coleridge in Their Time Nelson, 1970
- Iris Murdoch: A Critical Study Longman, 1976
- The Virgin in the Garden Chatto & Windus, 1978
- Still Life Chatto & Windus, 1985
- Sugar and Other Stories Chatto & Windus, 1987
- Unruly Times: Wordsworth and Coleridge, Poetry and Life Hogarth Press, 1989
- George Eliot: Selected Essays, Poems and Other Writings (uredila zajedno s Nicholasom Warrenom) Penguin, 1990
- Possession: A Romance Chatto & Windus, (1990 ISBN 0-7011-3260-4)
- Passions of the Mind: Selected Writings Chatto & Windus, 1991
- Angels & Insects Chatto & Windus, 1992
- The Matisse Stories Chatto & Windus, 1993
- The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye Chatto & Windus, 1994
- Imagining Characters: Six Conversations about Women Writers (with Ignes Sodre) Chatto & Windus, 1995
- New Writing Volume 4 (uredila s Alanom Hollinghurstom) Vintage, 1995
- Babel Tower Chatto & Windus, 1996
- New Writing Volume 6 (uredila s Peterom Porterom) Vintage, 1997
- Elementals: Stories of Fire and Ice Chatto & Windus, 1998
- Oxford Book of English Short Stories (urednica) Oxford University Press, 1998
- On Histories and Stories: Selected Essays Chatto & Windus, 2000
- The Biographer's Tale Chatto & Windus, 2000
- Portraits in Fiction Chatto & Windus, 2001
- The Bird Hand Book (fotografije: Victor Schrager) Graphis (New York), 2001
- A Whistling Woman Chatto & Windus, 2002
- Little Black Book of Stories Chatto & Windus, 2003
- Official website of A. S. Byatt
- A. S. Byatt Resources on the Web Arhivirano 2009-08-28 na Wayback Machine-u
- A. S. Byatt na Internet Book List
- Interview (2003)
- A link to the paid archive of Byatt's op-ed piece on Harry Potter
- Salon article on Byatt's comment on Rowling Arhivirano 2009-05-14 na Wayback Machine-u
- Radio Interview with Michael Silverblatt on Bookworm, March 9, 1992
- A New York Times article on Byatt's Booker Award
- A. S. Byatt reads from her book Elementals