James Kelman

James Kelman (Glasgow, 9.6. 1946.-) je utjecajni škotski romanopisac, novelist, dramatičar i autor političkih eseja. Godine 1989. je njegov roman A Disaffection nominiran za Bookerovu nagradu. Kada je njegov roman How late it was, how late 1994. godine osvojio Bookerovu nagradu, to je izazvalo kontroverzu.
- An Old Pub Near The Angel (1973)
- Not Not While The Giro (1983)
- Lean Tales (1985) (ko-autori Alasdair Gray i Agnes Owens)
- Greyhound For Breakfast (1987)
- The Burn (1991)
- Busted Scotch (1997)
- The Good Times (1998)
- The Busconductor Hines (1984)
- A Chancer (1985)
- A Disaffection (1989)
- How late it was, how late (1994) (dobitnik Bookerove nagradde)
- Translated Accounts (2001)
- You Have To Be Careful In The Land Of The Free (2004)
- Kieron Smith, Boy (2008)
- Some Recent Attacks (1992)
- And The Judges Said (2002)
- An East End Anthology, ed. Jim Kelman (1988)
- Hugh Savage, Born up a Close: memoirs of a Brigton boy, ed. James Kelman (2006)
- Dietmar Böhnke. Kelman Writes Back (1999)
- H. Gustav Klaus. James Kelman: Writers and their Work (2004)
- J.D. Macarthur. 'Claiming Your Portion of Space': A study of the short stories of James Kelman (2007)
- Simon Kovesi, James Kelman Arhivirano 2008-01-09 na Wayback Machine-u (Manchester University Press, 2007)
- Šablon:Contemporary writers (includes a "Critical Perspective" section)
- How Late It Was, How Late Arhivirano 2006-03-29 na Wayback Machine-u: a play created by Rude Mechanicals in Austin, Texas (2003)
- Make yer point: James Kelman, The Guardian, 11 August 2007