John William Draper
John William Draper | |
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Rođenje | St Helens, Lancashire, Engleska, UK | 5. 5. 1811.
Smrt | 4. 1. 1882. (dob: 70) Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, SAD |
Nacionalnost | Amerikanac |
Alma mater | Londonski univerzitetski koledž Univerzitet u Pennsylvaniji |
Zanimanje | kemičar, fotograf, historičar |
Poznat/a po | fotokemija, astrofotografija, konfliktna teza |
Suprug/a | Antonia Coetana de Paiva Pereira Gardner |
Djeca | John Christopher Draper Henry Draper Virginia Draper Maury Daniel Draper William Draper Antonia Draper Dixon |
John William Draper (St Helens, 5. 5. 1811. – Hastings-on-Hudson, 4. 1. 1882), englesko-američki kemičar, fotograf i historičar. Zaslužan je za izradu prve jasne fotografije ženskog lica (1839/1840) i prve detaljne fotografije Mjeseca (1840). Obnašao je dužnost predsjednika Američkog kemijskog društva (1876–1877) i utemeljio je Medicinsku školu na Univerzitetu New York. U jednom od svojih djela popularizirao je ideju konfliktne teze tj. neprijateljskog odnosa religije i nauke. Njegov sin Henry Draper i unuka Antonia Maury bili su astronomi, njena mlađa sestra Carlotta Maury paleontolog, a njegov najstariji sin John Christopher Draper kemičar.
- Elements of Chemistry, Including the Most Recent Discoveries and Applications of the Science to Medicine and Pharmacy, and to the Arts (koautor: Robert Kane), New York: Harper and Brothers, 1842.
- History of the American Civil War. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1867–70.
- History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science. New York: D. Appleton, 1874.
- History of the Intellectual Development of Europe. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1863.
- Human Physiology, Statistical and Dynamical ili The Conditions and Course of the Life of Man, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1856.
- Life of Franklin (ur. Ronald S. Wilkinson), Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977.
- Draper, John William. (1875). History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. Henry S. King & Co; preštampao Cambridge University Press, 2009; ISBN 978-1-108-00069-7
- Science in America: Inaugural address of Dr. John W. Draper, as president of the American Chemical Society, New York: J.F. Trow & Son, Printers, 1876.
- Scientific Memoirs; Being Experimental Contributions to a Knowledge of Radiant Energy, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1878.
- Text-Book on Chemistry. For the Use of Schools and Colleges, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851.
- Text-Book on Natural Philosophy, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1847.
- Thoughts on the Future Civil Policy of America, 3. izd. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1867.
- Treatise on the Forces Which Produce the Organization of Plants, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1844.
- Barker, George Frederick (1886). Memoir of John William Draper: 1811–1882. Washington, D.C.
- Fleming, Donald (1950). John William Draper and the Religion of Science. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
- Hentschel, Klaus (2002). Why not one more Imponderable?: John William Draper and his Tithonic rays, "Foundations of Chemistry" 4,1, str. 5-59.
- Miller, Lillian B., Frederick Voss, and Jeannette M. Hussey (1972). The Lazzaroni: Science and Scientists in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press