Elizabeth Gaskell

Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (née Stevenson; 29.9. 1810–12.11. 1865), često navođena jednostavno kao Mrs. Gaskell, bila je engleska spisateljica iz viktorijanske ere. Najpoznatija je po svojoj biografiji Charlotte Bronte. Njeni romani daju detaljan portreti mnogih slojeva društva, uključujući najsiromašnije, te su zbog toga predmet zanimanja kako historičara društva tako zaljubljenika u književnost.[1]
- Mary Barton (1848)
- Cranford (1851-3)
- Ruth (1853)
- North and South (1854-5)
- Sylvia's Lovers (1863)
- Cousin Phillis (1864)
- Wives and Daughters: An Everyday Story (1865)
- The Moorland Cottage (1850)
- The Old Nurse's Story (1852)
- Lizzie Leigh (1855)
- My Lady Ludlow (1859)
- Round the Sofa (1859)
- Lois the Witch (1861)
- A Dark Night's Work (1863)
- Christmas Storms and Sunshine (1848)
- The Squire's Story (1853)
- Half a Life-time Ago (1855)
- An Accursed Race (1855)
- The Manchester Marriage (1858), a chapter of "A House to Let", co-written with Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, and Adelaide Anne Procter
- The Half-brothers (1859)
- The Grey Woman (1861)
- The Life of Charlotte Bronte (1857)