Kongresna biblioteka
Kongresna biblioteka | |
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Izvorni naziv | Library of Congress |
Skraćenica | LOC |
Osnovana | 1800. |
Vrsta | de facto Nacionalna biblioteka |
Svrha/fokus | Depozitorna biblioteka |
Sedište | Washington, D.C., ![]() |
Mrežno mjesto | www.loc.gov |

Kongresna biblioteka (engl. Library of Congress), de facto nacionalna biblioteka Sjedinjenih Država i „istraživačka ruka“ Kongresa Sjedinjenih Država. Jedna je od najvećih biblioteka u svijetu. Njena zbirka uključuje preko 29 miliona katalogiziranih knjiga i drugih štampanih materijala na preko 470 jezika; više od 58 miliona rukopisa; najveću zbirku rijetkih knjiga u Sjevernoj Americi (uključujući i primjerak Gutenbergove Biblije), preko 1 milion izdanja Vlade SAD, milion izdanja svjetskih novina od unazad tri stotine godina, 33.000 uvezanih tomova novina, 500.000 rolni mikrofilma, preko 6.000 stripova;[1] i najveću svjetsku kolekciju pravnih materijala, filmova, 4,8 miliona mapa, notnih zapisa i 2,7 miliona zvučnih zapisa. Bibliotekom rukovodi Kongresni bibliotekar.
- ↑ Kongresna biblioteka, Odeljak za vladina i serijska izdanja, Приступљено 9. 4. 2013.
- Morris, Richard B. (1996). Encyclopedia of American History (Seventh izd.). Collins Reference. ISBN 0062700553.
- Peter C. Mancall, Gary B. Nash, Allan M. Winkler, Charlene Mires, John W. Jeffries, ur. (2009). Encyclopedia of American History. Facts on File. ISBN 0816071365.
- Stanley I. Kutler (2002). Dictionary of American History (Third izd.). Charles Scribners & Sons. ISBN 0684805332.
- Paul S. Boyer (2001). The Oxford Companion to United States History. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195082095.
- Michael Kazin, Rebecca Edwards, Adam Rothman, ur. (2011). The Concise Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691152071.
- Aikin, Jane (2010). „Histories of the Library of Congress”. Libraries & the Cultural Record 45 (1): 5–24. DOI:10.1353/lac.0.0113.
- Anderson, Gillian B. (1989), „Putting the Experience of the World at the Nation's Command: Music at the Library of Congress, 1800-1917”, Journal of the American Musciological Society 42 (1): 108–49, DOI:10.2307/831419
- Bisbort, Alan, and Linda Barrett Osborne. The Nation's Library: The Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. (Library of Congress, 2000)
- Cole, John Young. Jefferson's legacy: a brief history of the Library of Congress (Library of Congress, 1993)
- Cole, John Young. "The library of congress becomes a world library, 1815-2005." Libraries & culture (2005) 40#3: 385-398. in Project MUSE
- Cope, R. L. "Management Review of the Library of Congress: The 1996 Booz Allen & Hamilton Report," Australian Academic & Research Libraries (1997) 28#1 online Arhivirano 2014-02-26 na Wayback Machine-u
- Mearns, David Chambers. The Story Up To Now: The Library Of Congress, 1800-1946 (1947), detailed narrative
- Ostrowski, Carl. Books, Maps, and Politics: A Cultural History of the Library of Congress, 1783-1861 (2004) online
- Rosenberg, Jane Aiken. The Nation's Great Library: Herbert Putnam and the Library of Congress, 1899–1939 (University of Illinois Press, 1993)
- Shevlin, Eleanor F.; Lindquist, Eric N. (2010). „The Center for the Book and the History of the Book”. Libraries & the Cultural Record 45 (1): 56–69. DOI:10.1353/lac.0.0112.
- Tabb, Winston i dr.. (2003). „Library of Congress”. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science 3: 1593–1612.
- Cole, John Y. and Henry Hope Reed. The Library of Congress: The Art and Architecture of the Thomas Jefferson Building (1998) excerpt and text search
- Small, Herbert, and Henry Hope Reed. The Library of Congress: Its Architecture and Decoration (1983)
- The Library of Congress website
- Ask a Librarian
- American Memory
- History of the Library of Congress
- Library of Congress National Book Festival authors roster
- Memory and Imagination: New Pathways to the Library of Congress Documentary Arhivirano 2014-12-16 na Wayback Machine-u
- poets.org Arhivirano 2013-05-15 na Wayback Machine-u (About the 2012 National Book Festival from The Academy of American Poets)
- Search the Library of Congress catalog
- thomas.loc.govArhivirano 2006-01-30 na Wayback Machine-u, legislative information
- Library Of Congress Meeting Notices and Rule Changes Arhivirano 2006-11-16 na Wayback Machine-u from The Federal Register RSS Feed Arhivirano 2007-11-14 na Wayback Machine-u
- Library of Congress photos on Flickr Arhivirano 2015-09-06 na Wayback Machine-u
- Outdoor sculpture Arhivirano 2008-05-17 na Wayback Machine-u at the Library of Congress
- Standards, The Library of Congress
- Djela čiji je autor Library of Congress na Projektu Gutenberg
- Library of Congress at FamilySearch Research Wiki for genealogists
„Congress, Library of”. Encyclopedia Americana. 1920.
- C-SPAN's Library of Congress documentary and resources Arhivirano 2014-01-25 na Wayback Machine-u