Za ostala značenja, vidi Sibila (razvrstavanje).

Sibila je riječ koja potiče od grčke riječi sibylla, a koja je označavala proročicu. U antici su se pod sibilama podrazumijevale žene koje su u proročištima davale odgovore na pitanja o budućnosti.
- Klasične sibile
- John Burnet Early Greek Philosophy, 63., 64. brief analysis, 65. the fragments Arhivirano 1999-02-09 na
- Jewish Encyclopedia: Sibyl.
- The Sibyls Arhivirano 2005-04-03 na Wayback Machine-u
- Afrička kulturna historija
- The Lost and Hidden History of the African Sibyl Prophetesses: A Pictorial History Arhivirano 2010-01-27 na Wayback Machine-u
- Muzika
- Srednjovjekovne kršćanske sibile
- Series of twelve etchings of Sibyls[mrtav link]: by Master IHS, 1572
- Late Gothic illustrations of twelve sibyls Arhivirano 2005-03-29 na Wayback Machine-u
- Moderni prikazi sibila
- A sardonic sequence of 'Twelve Sibyls', accompanied by the artist Leonard Baskin's woodcuts, revisits Sibyls and Others (1980). Ruth Fainlight has written dozens of poems about these ambiguous figures, bridging religion, classical and Biblical settings, femininity and modernity. One of them concludes: 'I am no more conscious of the prophecies / than I can understand the language of birds /…let the simple folk praise you, / keep you safe as a caged bird, / and call you a sibyl'.
- Pjetër Bogdani, "The Songs of the Ten Sibyls" modern poetry, translated from Albanian
- The Sibyl Gallery Arhivirano 2007-07-10 na Wayback Machine-u
- T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land is prefaced by a quote from Petronius' Satyricon (1st Century A.D.) The passage translates roughly as "I saw with my own eyes the Sibyl at Cumae hanging in a jar, and when the boys said to her 'Sibyl, what do you want?' that one replied 'I want to die'.
- Margaret Atwood wrote a poem called "A Sibyl" in The Circle Game (collection).
- In the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling, the Divination Professor is called Sybill Trelawney.
- In the anime series Simoun, the main characters are priestesses known as sibyllae.
- The SIBYLS beamline at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley, CA.
- The 'sibyls' in Chris D'Lacey's series of novels, The Fire Within series, are described as prophetesses.
- Paul Atreides refers to himself as a sibyl in Dune Messiah.