Robert Smithson
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Robert Smithson | |
Land art | |
Biografske informacije | |
Rođenje | Passaic, New Jersey | 2. 1. 1938.
Smrt | 20. 7. 1973. (dob: 35) Teksas |
Nacionalnost | američka |
Profesionalne informacije | |
Obrazovanje | Art Students League of New York |
Opus | |
Pokrovitelji | Virginia Dwan |
Znamenita djela | |
Spiralno pristanište, 1970 | |
Influencija | |
Robert Smithson (2. januar 1938 – 20. jul 1973) je bio američki umjetnik poznat po svom land artu. Najpoznatije djelo mu je Spiralno pristanište izgrađeno na Velikom slanom jezeru. Poginuo je u zrakoplovnoj nesreći izviđajući teren za svoj sljedeći projekt u Teksasu.
- Broken Circle/Spiral Hill (1971-2011) Arhivirano 2017-10-04 na Wayback Machine-u an historic Dutch program (video, exhibition and publication).
- Plans to Mix Oil Drilling and Art Clash in Utah, article by Kirk Johnson in the New York Times, 27 March 2008.
- 'An interminable avalanche of categories': conceptual issues in the work of Robert Smithson (or, once more, against 'sculpture') Lecture by Peter Osborne given at the Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, in 2008, which is available to download in audio form [1][mrtav link]
- Smithson Sightings Short essay on Smithson by Timothy Don of 3 Quarks Daily.
- Pictures of Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty.
- 'Extra Terrestrial' - a 1993 monograph from frieze Arhivirano 2008-06-28 na Wayback Machine-u
- 0.0. 0.0.html Robert Smithson exhibition at The Renaissance Society, 1976[mrtav link].
- Robert Smithson and Floating Island, by John Haber
- Nonsite from Smithson to New Media, by John Haber