Postavljene datoteke MladjoG

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Datum Naziv Smanjeni pregled Veličina Opis
23:45, 23 juli 2014 Ikona sv. Avramije Zatvornik.jpg (datoteka) 207 kB == Opis == {| summary="A standardized table providing complete information about the file, including description of what it shows and how it was made, copyright status and source." class="toccolours" style="width: 100%" cellpadding="2" ! style="backgro...
23:27, 23 juli 2014 Jasenica lat.jpg (datoteka) 228 kB {| summary="A standardized table providing complete information about the file, including description of what it shows and how it was made, copyright status and source." class="toccolours" style="width: 100%" cellpadding="2" ! style="background: #ccf;...