Razgovor s korisnikom:Dcabrilo

Izvor: Wikipedija
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Christian Thiele me je uputio na ovaj sajt, rekavsi mi da se javim user-u "Dcabrilo". Evo me, javljam se, mada ne znam hocu li biti od ikakve pomoci, stavise ja se uplasih.... svaheli ne razumem, ali.... i ja se ponekad upitam: zasto se sve to desava, da l´covek ista resava, il´smo samo tu zbog ravnoteze medju zvezdama....i ja sam jedna od onih kojima od srece tugu tka... moja prosta dusa slovenska.


[uredi kod]

Ocigledno u necemu gresim. Kao sto sam navela u prvoj poruci, Christian Thiele me je putem linka uputio da se obratim upravo useru "Dcabrilo"; Ovo je vec drugi put da mi se obraca gospodin Thiele sa molbom da saradjujem. Ja sam zakleti sudski tumac za bosanski, hrvatski i srpski jezik. Medjutim ne znam kako bi trebalo da izgleda ta moja saradnja, ne znam kako bih Vam najbolje mogla pomoci, a ne mogu se snaci. Jedino sto sam do sada uradila je to da sam se registrovala kao balkanika1 i potrebna su mi dalja uputstva i pomoc.

Stigavsi na ovaj sajt, prvo sto sam primetila je da mi nedostaju sibilanti, drugo sto sam primetila su neki komentari u stilu "j1111 granicu", procitavsi izjavu da Vam je maternji jezik svaheli.... ;-), nisam znala kako se najbolje postaviti, zaista mi nista nije jasno.... nasla sam se u nedoumici, jer mislim da je WIKIPEDIA internet-leksikon, to bi trebalo da ispostujemo svi! Pomislih: hm, srpska posla...

Elem, spremna sam i voljna na svaku vrstu pomoci, medjutim prvo bi trebalo meni objasniti kako sve ovo zapravo funkcionise..... Molila bih da mi neko odgovori... da ne umrem u neznanju ;-).....

uh... dobro je!

[uredi kod]

Konacno da mi neko nesto pojasni! EUREKA!!!! :-) nisam ja vicna u ovome, kako da ti se pridruzim? pogledacu kasnije te stubove, a zaista nisam nikada ovako nesto radila. laik... kao nas vuk-samouk...

hocu, naravno, razume se samo po sebi da cu se potruditi da pomognem, vidno je.... ceo dan se mucim u nadi da dokucim.... ;-))))

tacno je da sam se bunila i to zustro. Odgovorio mi je Christian, mada uz izvesnu dozu kritike, izmedju redova sam mogla da procitam da sam mozda malo preterala, medjutim bio je veoma obazriv, birao je reci, da bi mi se danas dva puta javio i potvrdio mi je da se vecina usera ili saradnika WIKIPEDIJE na srpskohrvatskom slaze sa mojim misljenjem... uputio me je tebi. Iznenadilo me je to, tako da sam odmah pokusala da stupim u kontakt sa tobom, ali ovo je za mene spansko selo... potreban mi je vodic, slabo se snalazim, jer zaista imam jako malo vremena za ovakve stvari, ali zelim da saradjujem u svakom slucaju, bilo bi lepo napraviti nesto korisno i celokupno. Ionako nas prati rdjav glas.....


[uredi kod]

>> Postavio sam tamo neka pitanja, ali ljudi slabo odgovaraju

Hoću odgovoriti bez brege. Hvala za pozdrav. Drago mi je da si mi obratio.Dejvid 03:09, 13 July 2005 (CEST)

Zdravo Dejane. Poslednje nedelje sam bio na putu. Vratio sam se pre dva dana i sada sam konačno našao vreme da posetim WIkipediju. Drago mi je što si spreman da uređuješ ovu Wikipediju. Krivo mi je što sam propusto ovaj čitav niz izmena i raspava. Trebaće mi koncentracije i vremena da bi pročitao sve ovo. Što se mene tiče bilo bi vrlo prkatično kad bi pisali samo na jednom pismu (latinica), ali s druge strane ne bi trebali odbijati od sebe one koji preferiraju ćirilicu. Smatram da bi određen članak trebao biti ispisan na jednom pismu ali da pritom postoji i redirekt sa ćirilice odnodno latinice. --Pokrajac 20:26, 17 July 2005 (CEST)

Uputstvo ili pomoć?

[uredi kod]

Vidim da si krenuo sa pisanjem o tome kako uređivati WIkipediju. Trebali bi se dogovoriti da li ova stranica treba da zadrži trenutno ime ili da se zove "Wikipedia:Pomoć/Помоћ". Od dogovora zavisi promena imena poveznice sa leve strane koja se sad zove "Pomoć/Помоћ". --Pokrajac 19:00, 20 July 2005 (CEST)

Pozicija administratora

[uredi kod]

Ne bi bilo loše kada bi se prijavio za administratora i birokratu na stranici Wikipedia:Administratori. Nije zgodno da ja jedini ovde budem admin i birkorata. Video sam tvoj predlog da bi se trebalo uvek glasati prilikom biranja novog admninistratora. Načelno, ja se s tim slažem, ali imajući u vidu procedure ostalih Wikipedija, mislim da se oko ovoga ne bi trebao stvarati problem. Dakle, potrebno je omogućiti svakome koji to hoće da bude administrator pod uslovom da je "normalan" i fleksibilan. Džimi Vels je povodom ovoga rekao: "This should be no big deal". Ali, ako je volja većine da ipak postoji određena procedura (provera rada korisnika, glasanje i sl.) ona nemam ništa protiv. --Pokrajac 19:08, 20 July 2005 (CEST)

Neaktivni administratori

[uredi kod]

Pogledaj Wikipedia:Administratori, podnaslov Uklanjanje statusa administratora neaktivnim korisnicima i daj svoje mišljenje, kako bi se mogao postaviti zahtev na Meti. Poz, --Poki 13:53, 22 studeni-новембар 2006 (CET)

Potreban sh Wikisource!!!

[uredi kod]

Započeo sam s digitalizacijom školskog izdanja „Pravopisa hrvatskosrpskog jezika“, izdanje Matice hrvatske i Matice srpske, Zagreb - Novi Sad 1962. Ovako nemam gdje postaviti ovu, svima nama prijeko potrebnu, knjigu. Hans 22:55, 30 May 2007 (CEST)


[uredi kod]

Možeš li mi otklljučati moju suradničku stranicu?--Haker 11:24, 29 srpanj-јул 2007 (CEST)

clanak - royal

[uredi kod]

Zdravo! Radila sam izmjene na clanku o Segolene Royal, malo azurirala, ali htjela bih da se promjeni i slika jer je prilicno zastarjela. Kako se to radi? Koliko shvacam to moze samo admin. Ja sam vrlo nova ovdje. Pozdrav.

clanak - royal

[uredi kod]

Zdravo! Radila sam izmjene na clanku o Segolene Royal, malo azurirala, ali htjela bih da se promjeni i slika jer je prilicno zastarjela. Kako se to radi? Koliko shvacam to moze samo admin. Ja sam vrlo nova ovdje. Pozdrav.

SUL request: Aurora

[uredi kod]

Hello! I own the SUL account for username Aurora. The username is taken here, but this account has 0 edit. Can you please rename this account? Please see my talk page on meta for confirmation. Thanks in advance. Aurora@meta (talk) 04:48, 6 decembar-просинац 2008 (CET)

SUL request: grin

[uredi kod]

Zdravo! I'd like to usurp the account grin in the SUL process. It has no edits, and seems to be created very long ago. You can contact me on my talk page. Thank you. -- grin 14:52, 20 april-травањ 2009 (CEST)

Zdravo! It seem to be usurped, but honestly I cannot tell when or how. :-) All in all thank you for your kind notice and care, it seems to be fixed now. --Grin 14:40, 10 ožujak-март 2010 (CET)

Brisanje problematičnih i šlampavih članaka

[uredi kod]

Ako je u pitanju očigledno kršenje autorskih prava, odnosno nedostatak wikipedijskih standarda, onda se briše odmah, uz to da se u sažetak obavijesti o brisanju navede razlog. S obzirom da je ovdje u pitanju kršenje autorskih prava, u sažetak obavijesti o brisanju bi trebalo ubaciti link na web-stranicu odakle je tekst prepisan. A i naslov članka "Dragan Predic" - osim ako se taj čovjek uistinu tako ne zove - bez dijakritičkih znakova je, u najmanju ruku, daleko od wikipedijskih standarda. Sve, naravno, ovisi o pojedinačnim slučajevima. --OC Ripper 10:38, 10 ožujak-март 2010 (CET)

Nema veze. Dobro je da si me upozorio na taj članak. Vjerujem da među 28K članaka ima još sličnih slučajeva koji su mi promakli. --OC Ripper 11:28, 10 ožujak-март 2010 (CET)

Mohamed ElGedawy → محمد الجداوي

[uredi kod]

Hi, I want to change my name from: "Mohamed ElGedawy" to: "محمد الجداوي", Because i have changed my username on many wikipedias.--Mohamed ElGedawy 09:40, 14 avgust-коловоз 2011 (CEST)

Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 19:08, 3 svibanj-мај 2013 (CEST)

Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 19:08, 3 svibanj-мај 2013 (CEST)

Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 19:08, 3 svibanj-мај 2013 (CEST)

Uklanjanje prava zbog neaktivnosti

[uredi kod]

Pokrenuta je rasprava o uklanjanju administratorskih prava dvojici neaktivnih administratora među kojima si i ti. Možeš se izjasniti ovde. --Kolega2357 Razgovor 17:09, 9 ožujak-март 2014 (CET)

An important message about renaming users

[uredi kod]

Dear Dcabrilo, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.

As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.

Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.

The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.

Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.

In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.

Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.

Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 20:24, 25 avgust-коловоз 2014 (CEST)

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Razgovor:Novak Đoković

[uredi kod]

Poštovanje! Možeš li molim te kao administrator dati svoj sud na stranici za razgovor Novaka Đokovića vezano za postavljenu temu. Unaprijed hvala. S poštovanjem, --SadarMoritz 16:23, 15 rujan-септембар 2014 (CEST)

Your feedback is needed - Improving the Content Translation tool

[uredi kod]

Hello Friend,

Apologies as this message is not in your native language.

The WMF language team is reaching out to you based on your position as an admin in the Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia. In particular, we want to learn about your experience, the issues you encounter with articles created with Content translation.

We appreciate the great work you are doing in Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia to ensure standard and quality articles are not compromised. However, it is a big task to encounter content that is not standard daily, and a difficult decision to delete them because they fall below standard.

Our observations

We noticed that articles created with the Content Translation tool in your wiki are deleted more frequently than in other Wikipedias. We say this because, from our statistics, 8185 articles were added to Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia in 2020. Out of the above figure, only 7 of them were translated using the Content Translation tool and 14 articles were deleted. Therefore, the deletion rate and the tool's low usage signals a problem or deficiencies peculiar to your Wikipedia. The Content Translation tool can increase content creation in your Wikipedia and is an excellent way to efficiently introduce newcomers to adding content and expand on existing ones.

Our request

So, we want you to participate in a survey. The survey will give us insight into how we can improve the tool to get quality articles and reduce the number of deletion, hence making your work easier.

Please follow this link to the Survey:

Take the Survey
To know how the information collected from the survey will be used, please read the Privacy Statement.

If you are not comfortable with taking the survey, that is fine. You can still provide us with feedback in this thread or via email on the following questions:

  • What makes the articles created with content translation fall below standard in your Wikipedia?
  • What are the common mistakes that editors that use content translation make?
  • How do you think we can improve the  Content Translation tool that will help you with your work or make your task easier and reduce deletion of articles in Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia?

So please, feel free to give us feedback in any way that is most convenient for you.

Thank you so much, as we look forward to your response

UOzurumba (WMF) (talk) 13:06, 21 juni 2021 (CEST) On behalf of the WMF Language team.[odgovori]

Reminder: Your feedback is needed - Improving the Content Translation tool

[uredi kod]

Hello Friend!

The WMF Language team earlier reached out to you to participate in a survey to give us insight into improving the Content Translation tool to make your work as an admin easier. Towards improving the quality of content in your Wikipedia and avoiding the case of content deletion.

Again, we are reaching out to you as a reminder to Take the Survey as the survey will close on 9th July 2021 (23:59 UTC). The survey will only take you between 10 to 15 minutes. Please read the Privacy Statement to know how the information collected from the survey will be used.

If you already took the survey- thank you! You don't need to retake it.

Thank you, as we look forward to your response.

UOzurumba (WMF) 21:17, 6 juli 2021 (CEST) On behalf of the WMF Language team.[odgovori]

How we will see unregistered users

[uredi kod]


You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.

When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.

Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.

If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.

We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

19:19, 4 januar 2022 (CET)