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Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u miniseriji ili televizijskom filmu

Izvor: Wikipedija

Nagrade i nominacije

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1981: Mickey RooneyBill

1982: Anthony AndrewsBrideshead Revisited

1983: Richard ChamberlainThe Thorn Birds

1984: Ted DansonSomething About Amelia

1985: Dustin HoffmanDeath of a Salesman u ulozi: Willy Loman

1986: James WoodsPromise

1987: Randy QuaidLBJ: The Early Years u ulozi: Lyndon B. Johnson

1988: Michael CaineJack the Ripper / Stacy KeachHemingway u ulozi: Ernest Hemingway

1989: Robert DuvallLonesome Dove


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1990: James GarnerDecoration Day

1991: Beau BridgesWithout Warning: The James Brady Story u ulozi: James Brady

1992: Robert DuvallStalin u ulozi: Joseph Stalin

1993: James GarnerBarbarians at the Gate

1994: Raúl JuliáThe Burning Season

1995: Gary SiniseTruman u ulozi: Harry Truman

1996: Alan RickmanRasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny u ulozi: Grigori Rasputin

1997: Ving RhamesDon King: Only in America u ulozi: Don King *

1998: Stanley TucciWinchell u ulozi: Walter Winchell

1999: Jack LemmonInherit the Wind u ulozi: Henry Drummond


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2000: Brian DennehyDeath of a Salesman u ulozi: Willy Loman

2001: James FrancoJames Dean u ulozi: James Dean

2002: Albert FinneyThe Gathering Storm u ulozi: Winston Churchill

2003: Al PacinoAngels in America u ulozi: Roy Cohn

2004: Geoffrey RushThe Life and Death of Peter Sellers u ulozi: Peter Sellers

2005: Jonathan Rhys-MeyersElvis u ulozi: Elvis Presley

2006: Bill NighyGideon's Daughter u ulozi: Gideon Warner

2007: Jim BroadbentLongford u ulozi: Lord Longford

2008: Paul GiamattiJohn Adams u ulozi: John Adams

2009: Kevin BaconTaking Chance u ulozi: Michael Strobl


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2010: Al PacinoYou Don't Know Jack u ulozi: Jack Kevorkian

2011: Idris ElbaLuther u ulozi: Detective Chief Inspector John Luther

2012: Kevin CostnerHatfields & McCoys u ulozi: Devil Anse Hatfield

2013: Michael DouglasBehind the Candelabra u ulozi: Liberace

2014: Billy Bob ThorntonFargo u ulozi: Lorne Malvo


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*Ving Rhames je pozvao Jack Lemmona, koji je takođe bio nominovan, na scenu i posvetio je nagradu njemu.