Paul Gallico

Paul William Gallico (26.7. 1897–15.7. 1976) bio je uspješni američki romanopisac i novelist. Mnoga od njegovih djala su adaptirana u filmove. Najpoznatiji je po priči The Snow Goose, jedinoj koja se svidjela kritičarima, te romanu The Poseidon Adventure, koji je poslužio kao podloga za nekoliko filmova.
- Knjige
- Farewell to Sport (1938), sport
- The Adventures of Hiram Holliday (1939) (Adventures of Hiram Holliday u SAD), humor
- Who Killed My Buddy (1939) Cosmopolitan Magazine
- The Secret Front (1940) [nastavak The Adventures of Hiram Holliday]
- The Snow Goose (1941), romantična tragedija
- Golf is a Friendly Game (1942), sport
- Lou Gehrig: Pride of the Yankees (1942), sport
- Selected Stories of Paul Gallico (1944), zbirka priča
- The Lonely (1947), drama
- Confessions of a Story Writer (1948), zbirka priča
- Jennie (1950) (The Abandoned u SAD), fantastika
- The Small Miracle (1951), drama
- Trial by Terror (1952), triler
- Snowflake (1952), alegorija
- The Foolish Immortals (1953), pustolovina
- Love of Seven Dolls (1954), romantična drama
- Ludmila (1955), legenda
- Thomasina (1957), romantična drama
- Flowers for Mrs. Harris (1958) (Mrs. 'Arris goes to Paris u SAD), humor
- The Steadfast Man (1958), biografija sv. Patrika
- Too Many Ghosts (1959)
- The Hurricane Story (1960), publicistika
- Mrs. Harris goes to New York (1960) (Mrs. 'Arris goes to New York u SAD), humor
- Confessions of a Story Teller (1961) Further Confessions of a Story Writer u SAD, zbirka priča
- Scruffy (1962), humor
- Coronation (1962), humor
- Love, Let Me Not Hunger (1963), tragedija
- The Day the Guinea-Pig Talked (1963), knjiga za djecu
- Three Stories (1964) (Three Legends u SAD)
- The Hand of Mary Constable (1964) [nastavak Too Many Ghosts]
- The Silent Miaow (1964), fantastika
- The Day Jean-Pierre was Pignapped (1964), knjiga za djecu
- Mrs. Harris, M.P. (1965) (Mrs. 'Arris goes to Parliament u SAD), humor
- The Day Jean-Pierre Went Round the World (1965), knjiga za djecu
- The Golden People (1965), sport
- The Man who was Magic (1966), humor
- The Story of Silent Night (1967)
- The Revealing Eye (1967), biografski eseji
- Gallico Magic (1967), zbirka priča
- Manxmouse (1968), humor
- The Poseidon Adventure (1969)
- The Day Jean-Pierre Joined the Circus (1969), humor
- Matilda (1970), humor
- The Zoo Gang (1971), humor
- Honourable Cat (1972) (Honorable Cat u SAD), zbirka priča
- The Boy who invented the Bubble Gun (1974), humor
- Mrs. Harris goes to Moscow (1974), humor
- Miracle in the Wilderness (1975)
- Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (1978), pustolovina
- The House that Wouldn't Go Away (1979), humor
- The Best of Paul Gallico (1988), zbirka priča
- 1942, Pride of the Yankees
- 1952, Assignment – Paris!
- 1953, Lili, based on The Love of Seven Dolls
- 1964, The Three Lives of Thomasina, temeljen na Thomasina: The Cat Who Thought She Was God (1957)
- 1971, The Snow Goose
- 1972, The Poseidon Adventure
- 1972, Honorable Cat
- 1978, Matilda
- 1979, Beyond the Poseidon Adventure
- 1991, Bezumnaya Lori (Russia), temeljen na Thomasini
- 1992, Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris
- 1974, The Zoo Gang
- 1978, A Fire In The Sky
- 1956–57, The Adventures of Hiram Holliday
- Tondemo Nezumi Daikatsuyaku: Manxmouse (Manxmouse's Great Activity)
- Carnival!, temeljen The Love of Seven Dolls
- 1975, Music Inspired by The Snow Goose, album britanskog progresivnog rock benda Camel, temeljennna The Snow Goose
- Paul Gallico na sajtu IMDb
- The Literature of Paul Gallico Arhivirano 2004-11-27 na Wayback Machine-u