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Nagrada Saturn za najbolje specijalno DVD izdanje

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Slijedi lista dobitnika nagrade Saturn za najbolje specijalno DVD izdanje:

Godina Originalni naziv Srpskohrvatski naziv
2001. Shrek Shrek
2002. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended) Gospodar prstenova: Prstenova družina (produžena verzija)
2003. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended) Gospodar prstenova: Dvije kule (produžena verzija)
2004. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Extended) Gospodar prstenova: Povratak kralja (produžena verzija)
2005. Sin City (Recut, Extended, Unrated) Sin City (Recut, Extended, Unrated)
2006. Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Superman II: Verzija Richarda Donnera
2007. Blade Runner (5-Disc Ultimate Collector's Edition) Blade Runner (5-Disc Ultimate Collector's Edition)
2008. Stephen King's The Mist (2-Disc Special Editon) Magla (2-Disc Special Editon)
2009. Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut Čuvari (The Ultimate Cut)
2010. Avatar (Extended Collector’s Edition) Avatar (Extended Collector’s Edition)
2012. Little Shop of Horrors (The Director's Cut) Mala trgovina užasa (The Director's Cut)

Ova nagrada je utemeljena 2001. godine.