Lista vladara Peonije
Dolje je naveden popis svih dosada poznatih vladara Pajonije, države koja je u Starom vijeku postojala na području današnje istočne Makedonije.
- Nikarh, (? - ?) kralj/ vladar.
- Pirajhme (Pirehm) (12. vijek pne.)
- Teutaj (o. 5/ 4 vijek pne. ?)
- Bastarej, o. 4 vijeka pne., kralj.
- Simon Pajonski (o. 350 pne.), kralj/ vladar.
- Agis ? – (? – 359/8 pne.), kral.
- Agis ? – (? – 359/8 pne.), kral.
- Likej (356-340 god. pr.n.e)[1], kralj.
- Patraj (340/335-315 god. p. n.e.),[2] kralj
- Langar (umro 335. p.n.e.), kralj.
- Audoleon (315-286/5 pne.)[3], kral.
- Leon Pajonski (278-250 pne.)[5], kral.
- Dropion (250 - 220-e pne.)[5], kralj.
- ↑ Catalogue of Greek Coins: Thessaly to Aetolia by Percy Gardner, 2004,Front Matter: "... present to the money of Philip II. of Macedon, and Lycceius and Audoleon, kings of Paeonia, that they must be given ..."
- ↑ Patraus's coin
- ↑ A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients: From Circ. B. C. 700 to a. D. 1. (1895) by British Museum Dept. of Coins and Medals, 2009,page 62: "... of Athena, facing. Bee. AYAnA EONTOZ. Horse. Wt. 193.4 grs. Patraus and his son Audoleon reigned over Paaonia between B.C. 340 ..."
- ↑ Polyaenus, Stratagems of War, 4.12.3,"Lysimachus conducted Ariston, son of Autoleon, to his father's kingdom in Paeonia; under pretence that the royal youth might be acknowledged by his subjects, and treated with due respect. But as soon as he had bathed in the royal baths in the river Arisbus, and they had set before him an elegant banquet, according to the custom of his country, Lysimachus ordered his guards to arm. Ariston instantly mounted his horse and escaped to the land of the Dardani; and Lysimachus was left in possession of Paeonia."
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 Pausanias, Description of Greece Phocis and Ozolian Locri,10.13.1,"A bronze head of the Paeonian bull called the bison was sent to Delphi by the Paeonian king Dropion, son of Leon".