John Barth
John Simmons Barth (Cambridge, Maryland, 27.5. 1930.) je američki romanopisac i novleist, poznat po postmodernističkim i metraproznim djelima.
Obrazovanje je stekao na Juilliardu i Univerzitetu Johns Hopkins, gdje je 1952. za potrebe magistarskog rata napisao roman The Shirt of Nessus).
Bio je profesor na Državnom univerzitetu Pensilvanije (1953-1965), Univerzitetu u Buffalou (1965-1973), Bostonskom Univerzitetu (gostujući profesor, 1972-1973) i Johns Hopkinsu (1973-1995) prije umirovljenja 1995 godine.
- The Floating Opera (1957)
- The End of the Road (1958)
- The Sot-Weed Factor (1960)
- Giles Goat-Boy, or, The Revised New Syllabus (1966)
- Lost in the Funhouse: Fiction for Print, Tape, Live Voice (priče) (1968)
- Chimera (tri povezane pripovjetke) (1972)
- LETTERS (1979)
- Sabbatical: A Romance (1982)
- The Tidewater Tales (1987)
- The Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor (1991)
- Once upon a Time: A Floating Opera (memoarski roman) (1994)
- On with the Story (priče) (1996)
- Coming Soon!!!: A Narrative (2001)
- The Book of Ten Nights and a Night: Eleven Stories (2004)
- Where Three Roads Meet (tri povezane pripovjetke) (2005)
- The Friday Book (1984)
- Further Fridays (1995)
- John Barth Information Center Arhivirano 2001-11-28 na Library of Congress-u
- Scriptorium - John Barth Arhivirano 2014-06-24 na Wayback Machine-u
- Reading John Barth Arhivirano 2012-02-05 na Wayback Machine-u: an essay by Charles Harris (from CONTEXT Quarterly at
- North American Postmodern Fiction: John Barth
- Šablon:WiredForBooks
- Barth audio goodies at the Lannan site Arhivirano 2008-03-27 na Wayback Machine-u
- Two-part interview on KCRW's radio program 'Bookworm' with Michael Silverblatt (also at the Lannan site) Arhivirano 2008-03-27 na Wayback Machine-u
- The fantastic "click!", a short story centered on hypertextuality