Abdul Rahman Al Gafiki

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Charles de Steubenova Bitka kod Poitiersa u oktobru 732 pokazuje trijumfalnog Karla Martela (na konju) suočenog sa Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqijem (desno) u bitci kod Poitiersa.

Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi (? -732; arapski: عبد الرحمن الغافقي‎), također poznat kao Abd er Rahman, Abdderrahman, Abderame, i Abd el-Rahman, bio je omejadski arapski guverner al-Andalusa poznat po velikom pohodu na današnju Francusku koji je 10. oktobra 732. rezultirao velikom bitkom kod Poitiersa gdje je poražen od strane franačkog majrodoma Karla Martela i u kojoj je poginuo.[1] Njegovo puno ime je bilo Abu Said Abdul Rahman ibn Abdullah ibn Bishr ibn Al Sarem Al 'Aki Al Ghafiqi.

Al-Samh ibn Malik al-Khawlani
Guverner Al-Andalusa
Anbasa ibn Suhaym Al-Kalbi
Muhammed ibn Abd al-Malik al-Ashja'i
Guverner Al-Andalusa
Abd al-Malik ibn Katan al-Fihri


[uredi | uredi kod]
  • History of Abdul Salam Al Termanini (in Arabic)
  • The New Century Book of Facts, King-Richardson Company, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1911
  • A list of historical rulers Arhivirano 2005-10-29 na Wayback Machine-u in what is now Spain (in Spanish)
  • "Early Andalusian Politics", by Richard Greydanus
  • Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, (New York, 1974), 6:16.
  • Watson, William E., "The Battle of Tours-Poitiers Revisited", Providence: Studies in Western Civilization, 2 (1993)
  • Poke, "The Battle of Tours", from Sir Edward Creasy, MA , Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World From Marathon to Waterloo
  • Richard Hooker, "Civil War and the Umayyads"
  • Tours, Poiters, from "Leaders and Battles Database" online.
  • Robert W. Martin, "The Battle of Tours is still felt today", from about.com
  • Santosuosso, Anthony, Barbarians, Marauders, and Infidels ISBN 0-8133-9153-9
  • Medieval Sourcebook: Arabs, Franks, and the Battle of Tours, 732 at http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/732tours.html Arhivirano 2014-10-11 na Wayback Machine-u
  • Bennett, Bradsbury, Devries, Dickie and Jestice, Fighting Techniques of the Medieval World
  • Reagan, Geoffry, The Guinness Book of Decisive Battles, Canopy Books, NY (1992) ISBN 1-55859-431-0
  • Early Andalusian Politics, Richard Greydanus
  • History of Abdul Salam Al Termanini (Arabic)
  • The New Century Book of Facts, King-Richardson Company, Springfield, 1911